All About Pre-Made Tattoo Designs

When someone hears “pre-made tattoo designs,” they might think of quick line art or fun, simple designs that everyone has on their bodies or flash sheets posted in old-school tattoo parlors. They’re probably not picturing art like this:

Pre made tattoo designs by Eden Body Art Studios in Dallas, Texas
Pre made tattoo designs by Eden Body Art Studios in Dallas, Texas

Like most services at Eden, we’re redefining the expectations of pre-made tattoo designs. Pre-made tattoo designs give our artists the freedom to explore their creativity and express themselves while also allowing clients to get a custom piece they don’t need to think of themselves.

What are pre-made tattoo designs?

Pre-made tattoo designs can seem like a confusing concept for new and returning clients. Traditionally, a client gives the artist the concept(s) of the tattoo, and the artist works within those guidelines. With pre-made designs, the art and concept rests in the mind of the artist. When a new design is created, we put it on our designs page where it lives until it finds a home on a client. 

At Eden, our artists are excited about every tattoo they do. However, with a pre-made design, the artist is free to create whatever comes to their mind. Pre-made designs are particularly exciting for the artist because they are often the pieces they want to tattoo the most. 

Who are pre-made tattoos a good fit for?

Pre-made tattoos aren’t for everyone, and that’s okay! Each tattoo is an investment and should be treated with care. Pre-made designs are perfect for someone looking for stunning artwork and are open to becoming an artist’s canvas. They’re also good for people who want a new tattoo but are more interested in an artist’s style than the content itself. Lastly, pre-made tattoo designs are a fit for the individualist — someone who doesn’t want to run the risk of anyone having a tattoo identical to theirs. Each pre-made design is a one-time offer. Once it’s on a client, it becomes unavailable and ensures no one else will get it. 

How pre-made tattoo designs work

Pre-made designs with us are simple. First, take a look at what’s available on our website. If you find something you love, fill out our booking form and let us know which artist and design you like. The rest is standard tattooing from there; if anything, it’s easier! No additional consultations. Just come in, relax, and enjoy watching our artists’ creativity come to life on your skin!


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