Tattooing Services

From its inception, Eden was made to be different from any other tattoo studio. Clients step into a welcoming, peaceful environment where they’re not getting “just another tattoo” — they’re getting a one-of-a-kind artistic experience.

What Sets Eden Tattoos Apart

Priority on client comfort

Our goal is that every client has an incredible experience with our studio. From inquiry to the healing process, we want to make sure questions are answered and clients feel at ease. We understand that tattooing is a serious, permanent investment.

Informed staff

Our staff loves what they do. They’re committed to clients because most of them have been clients of Eden before. They know the process, the ins and outs, and can answer most questions for clients.

Requiring cleanliness and sanitation

For us, cleanliness is inherent. We understand many clients may envision tattoo studios as grimy or unclean places based on past experiences or industry misconceptions. We set out to break those stereotypes. The first look clients get of Eden immediately removes any doubt as to the cleanliness and sanitation of our studio.  

Talented artists with diverse backgrounds

We pride ourselves in not only the abilities of the artists on our team, but also the collaborative, positive environment they foster. Our artists are hungry to learn and grow, and we’ve created a culture here where artists are happy to learn from the diverse skill sets of one another. Our artists specialize in a wide variety of different styles, so for clients, there are pleny of options based on individual preferences.