How Does Tattoo Removal Work?

Everyone makes mistakes! For some, those mistakes come in the form of regrettable tattoos. Whether a tattoo didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to, its meaning has changed, your lifestyle has changed, or you’re just not in love with it anymore, we can help. We’re happy to fade your unwanted tattoos enough so they can be covered up, or remove them completely.

Why are tattoos permanent?

When you get a tattoo, layers of ink are deposited into your dermis — the inner layer of skin. This makes sure that the ink particles won’t be absorbed by the subcutaneous tissue below or disappear as your epidermis (top layer of skin) sheds and regenerates. Your body sees the ink as a foregin object and your immune system attacks, just like it would any foreign object. However, your immune system quickly realizes the ink particles are much too big to remove. Rather than disposing of them, your body creates a cellular matrix around the ink particles, quarantining them in place.

How does laser tattoo removal work?

Lasers break up larger ink particles into pieces that are small enough for white blood cells to absorb them. Lasers do this by zapping the ink particle with heat, making it expand and break apart. Your immune and lymphatic system are then able to process the ink, and your body is able to flush it out as part of the natural fading process.

Is it painful?

Most clients report that tattoo removal is more painful than the tattoo process. Many liken the feeling to a bad sunburn or a rubber band hitting your skin. However, a session of removal can take just minutes, unlike a tattoo session. By the time you’re feeling the pain, the session is likely almost over. We are also able to help with pain management with our Zimmer Cryo 6 system, which shoots freezing cold air to numb the treatment area before, during, and immediately after treatment.

Is tattoo removal safe?

Yes! Our lasers specifically target the ink, not the skin or surrounding tissue. There is no burning or cutting involved with the process.

How long does removal take?

Safe tattoo removal isn’t a one-and-done event. There are a number of factors that go into removing a tattoo — how old the tattoo is, how dense the ink is, the location of the tattoo, the kind of ink that was used, etc. Because the fading process is driven by your own personal immune system, every case is different! Generally speaking, full removal takes about 6-8 sessions and fading for cover ups takes about 3-4. Sessions have to be spaced 6-8 weeks apart so your body can heal completely, and we can address how the fading process is progressing.

How much does it cost? 

The answer to this question is similar to “how much is a tattoo?” The short answer: it depends! Generally, size is the deciding factor in regards to per session cost. The price can fluctuate quite a bit depending on how many sessions are to be done. The price per session generally ranges from $100 to $500 or more for very large pieces.

Are there some tattoos that can’t be removed? 

The biggest factors on whether a tattoo can be removed are 1) what color it is and 2) the laser removing it. All removal establishments can treat black ink tattoos because they will react with any wavelength of laser. However, color tattoos are a bit trickier. Tattoos that are red or orange in color require a different wavelength of laser to get a better removal reaction. Many establishments, but not all, can remove warm colored tattoos. However, very few removal establishments can treat blue or green (more cool colored) tattoos because their system doesn’t possess a special wavelength to treat these tattoos. At Eden, our Astanza Trinity system operates on three different wavelengths, allowing us to operate and remove a full spectrum of tattoos.

Occasionally, white tattoos can’t be removed because white affects all colors of light, which makes it more difficult to get a reaction. This is a rare case. Some medical factors also prohibit tattoo removal, but those can be discussed in your consultation. 

Still have questions? We have answers! Give us a call or shoot us an email to talk about laser removal. We also do free consultations for this service!


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